Saturday, October 5, 2013

One Direction

I don't even know how to begin this post because I never know how to begin when it comes to One Direction. It was barely more than a month ago that I had virtually no feelings about One Direction, but then my best friend convinced me to go see their movie with her, and now I have so many feelings about One Direction. Anyway, we don't really need to get into it here, except that I needed to explain why I bought nail polish from Office Depot.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Summer megapost

Okay so, summer camp is a hard place for manicures, and this summer was kind of a hard time for me in general. I think I managed to have painted nails (though sometimes heavily chipped nails...) nearly every day at work, and I even managed to do some fun things with them! But obviously I did not manage to update this blog at all, so, here is a round up of five of my more interesting summer manicures.

Salon Perfect's Kaboom (Neon Collision Collection) over Zoya's Snow White