Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Confetti on snow

I've been doing a lot of plain, one-color-only manicures lately. That's how this one started, too. I was wearing just white for a few days -- which at first I was dubious about, but I ended up really liking; it was like my nails were a blank slate and every time I looked at them I saw potential and ~ideas~ and other great things.

But then I had to go to training for my summer camp job, and I was going to see some of my coworker friends -- including my former-coworker-turned-boss who always has impressive nails -- for the first time since the end of last summer. I wanted to do something fancier, so why not just add glitter? (In case you hadn't noticed, we like glitter here at Nailfighteria.)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Shellac manicure (part 2)

Sooo, sorry it's been quiet around here lately, but I'm finally sharing updates on my shellac manicure! I got lots of compliments on it and it lasted beautifully. Here's how it looked on day 11. (These photos were taken in the middle of a camping trip, so please excuse the super dry -- and probably salty, since I'd just been sticking my hands in the ocean to pick up hermit crabs -- cuticles.)

right hand  -- you can see a tiny bit of peeling on the edge of my index finger