Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Shellac manicure (part 2)

Sooo, sorry it's been quiet around here lately, but I'm finally sharing updates on my shellac manicure! I got lots of compliments on it and it lasted beautifully. Here's how it looked on day 11. (These photos were taken in the middle of a camping trip, so please excuse the super dry -- and probably salty, since I'd just been sticking my hands in the ocean to pick up hermit crabs -- cuticles.)

right hand  -- you can see a tiny bit of peeling on the edge of my index finger

left hand

thumbs -- you can't really tell from this photo, but my thumbs had the most wear

close-up on the tip wear on my thumbs
(also, thanks to my wonderful boyfriend for these high quality photos!)

On day 17 I bought acetone to remove the shellac, but then I left it in my friend's car. But I couldn't stand all the growth at my cuticles, so I needed to do something.

in Nailfighteria colors!

These half-moons were kind of poorly done, so I only left them on for a few days before taking everything off. I removed the shellac at home using the foil method with 100% acetone. It was super easy, so I'm glad I didn't go back to the salon and pay for them to remove it.

Overall, I'm quite pleased with my shellac experience! I'm not planning on getting them regularly or anything, but I'll definitely consider it the next time I have a long vacation or any other time I want a super long-lasting manicure.

I don't have a Nerdfighter gang sign photo for this post, but... DFTBA anyway.

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