Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Shellac manicure (part 1)

Tonight I'm flying to Seattle for two weeks, and I've been stressing out about what to do with my nails during this trip. I didn't really want to bring polish and do nail things during boyfriend time, but two weeks is too long for one manicure to last. I had pretty much decided to just do my nails before I go and to bring nail polish remover pads for when they get too chipped.

But then I went and made an appointment for a shellac manicure instead. I've never gotten a shellac manicure -- I never even go to nail salons, so I had to rely on Yelp to find a place. I was super nervous, but it ended up being a good experience. The nail technician was super attentive to detail and didn't rush at all, but the whole thing still took just under an hour. And it was so nice having my nails completely dry as soon as I was done!

I meant to get a neutral color, but then I chose this instead. Sorry, I just love color too much! I was actually the first person to use this shade at the salon, and the nail technician kept telling me how much she liked it -- she even showed it to one of her coworkers and was like, "Isn't this a nice color?" (Also, they had way more color choices than I was expecting. It was overwhelming.)

My only complaint is that there are a few places where there are sort of wrinkly-looking things in the shellac. I'm trying really hard not to care about this, because I know nobody else is going to notice (except that I just pointed it out). Also as you can see in the photo, there was a bit of shellac on my cuticles, but it came off pretty easily.

I'm excited to see how it holds up over time! There will definitely be more pictures after my trip.

DFTBA and I'll see you in two weeks!

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