Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Confetti on snow

I've been doing a lot of plain, one-color-only manicures lately. That's how this one started, too. I was wearing just white for a few days -- which at first I was dubious about, but I ended up really liking; it was like my nails were a blank slate and every time I looked at them I saw potential and ~ideas~ and other great things.

But then I had to go to training for my summer camp job, and I was going to see some of my coworker friends -- including my former-coworker-turned-boss who always has impressive nails -- for the first time since the end of last summer. I wanted to do something fancier, so why not just add glitter? (In case you hadn't noticed, we like glitter here at Nailfighteria.)

This was the first time I'd done a glitter gradient (my Washington manicure was a glittery gradient, but the glittery polish had an opaque base, so I used normal gradient techniques), and I think it turned out pretty well. And it was easier to do than normal polish gradients, I thought.

close-up of the thumb

The white base is Zoya Snow White, and the glitter top coat is Confetti Fun.


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