Saturday, March 23, 2013

Margo Roth Spiegelman

I broke my camera right after taking this photo, so I hope you enjoy it.

Recently I've been thinking about the nail polish colors mentioned in John Green books. There are a lot of them (well, if four counts as a lot...), but today I'm focusing on Margo's. Margo's nail polish is arguably the most interesting of any John Green character's because it's actually somewhat relevant to the story. We first see the polish when Margo paints her nails.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Hey, so, Becca here with a holiday post! Apologies in advance for the shoddy quality of the photos. I'm away from home this week and don't have my proper camera, but my shamrock manicure came out pretty well and I wanted to share!

I put this together using OPI Goldeneye (from this winter's James Bond collection), Zoya Holly (Holiday 2011), and a variety of different sized dotting tools. I am pretty damn proud of that shamrock, Nailfighters. (Although, I understand from my Irish pal that a proper shamrock has three leaves not four, whoops.)

Shamrockin', right? (Don't pretend you don't love a bad pun.)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

China Glaze: Smoke and Ashes

So, I realize that I am literally a year late to the Hunger Games nail polish party, but the collection came out during the 16 months that I was avoiding nail polish due to allergy concerns. The silver lining is that since I waited so long, I ended up only buying one of the polishes instead of, like, the whole collection, which I probably would've done when the polishes were new and exciting.

Nonetheless, I am excited about Smoke and Ashes! It came highly recommended by Becca. It's blacker than I expected (somehow? I don't... know what I expected), so I'm glad I cut my nails shorter before painting them. I don't really go for the shimmer look these days, but I really like the glass flecks in Smoke and Ashes -- they make the polish a lot more interesting! I also love how in some lights it looks like a dark blue or green instead of a pure black. I just can't stop looking at my nails.