Saturday, March 23, 2013

Margo Roth Spiegelman

I broke my camera right after taking this photo, so I hope you enjoy it.

Recently I've been thinking about the nail polish colors mentioned in John Green books. There are a lot of them (well, if four counts as a lot...), but today I'm focusing on Margo's. Margo's nail polish is arguably the most interesting of any John Green character's because it's actually somewhat relevant to the story. We first see the polish when Margo paints her nails.

She opened up the purse and pulled out a full bottle of nail polish so darkly red it was almost black.
“While you calm down, I’m going to paint my nails,” she said, smiling up at me through her bangs.
“You just take your time.”

Later, it comes back into the story when Q finds a bottle of nail polish.
I took the flashlight in one hand and the nail polish in the other and stared at it closely. So red it was
almost black. I’d seen this color before. ... I couldn’t know if it was the same bottle, of course,
but it was certainly the same color.
To which I must quote Lacey and say, "Q. Sweetie. You’re a boy. You don’t know how to do these things." There are a lot of dark red polishes out there, and I seriously doubt that Q can tell all of them apart, especially without a side-by-side comparison.

Anyway, I think there are a lot of polishes that would work for Margo Roth Spiegelman nails, but I chose China Glaze Velvet Bow (Holiday 2011). I really like the color. The only thing is, it takes at least two coats to become opaque (I used three because I'm picky). I just don't picture Margo as a multiple coats kind of girl (I mean, she painted her nails in the car).


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